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YOGA & meditation teaching and RETREATS

Organized and led several yoga and meditation retreats in Myanmar and Costa Rica. I'm a qualified yoga instructor with over 2.5 years of teaching experience and the following training:

  • 200 YTT Ashtanga Vinyasa Instructor

  • 35hr Yin Yoga

  • 100hr Pranayama Detail and Practice

  • 85hr Prenatal and Postpartum Yoga

  • 100hr Advanced Anatomy: Somatic Movement and Fascia

  • Yoga for Self-Regulation and Trauma w/ Hala Khouri - Off the Mat and into the World

Illustration: rachelvhillis

belvil, belleville - a book

I made this book of a poem and portraits dedicated to Belleville, my old and very much loved neighbourhood in Paris, 2012. 


transport in myanmar

Photo essay on transport in Myanmar published online on Makeshift Magazine, 2013.


deways - service design

Deways facilitates private car rentals between individuals in the same and nearby neighborhoods. I worked with Deways in Paris as a service designer exploring issues around trust and safety. I also contributed with graphic design

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ART PSYCHOTHERAPY - healing through self expression

I'm fascinated by the creative process and powerful impact of art making to express inner emotions. With an emphasis on the process instead of the content or final aesthetic result of the art work, we can explore feelings and emotions that might not come easily through words. This process can help people to resolve issues as well as develop and manage their behaviors and feelings, reduce stress, and improve self-esteem and awareness.

I undertook a 29hr training course at University of Roehampton on Art Psychotherapy in July 2018.  I'm particularly interested in exploring this topic deeper as a tool for wellbeing which can be complemented with movement, breathwork and yoga. Self-expression through art can also be a way of opening up and building empathy when working within communities of people.

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“People are always blaming circumstances for what they are. I do not believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, they make them.” - George Bernard Shaw

Roadside Entrepreneurs - A book of thoughts

This book began as I walked each morning to my office and observed life on the roadside. It’s about curiosity, culture, sidewalks, wheels, creativity, and driven individuals. I'm inspired by roadside entrepreneurs and how they address concepts often considered in the design of services or products such as locality, trust, resilience, adaptability, elasticity and self organization. 



With a group of friends we set up and ran a diving school in Costa Rica's Pacific Coast. We offered diving tours and courses during 2012-2014.



Volunteered organizing and curating activities during the festivals (2015-2017) including photo exhibitions and the design of promotional products.


community kite project

Ran and organized the Community Kite Project in Potrero, Costa Rica and helped with the first Community Kite Project event in London.


ouishare - founding member AND GRAPHIC DESIGNER

I was part of the small and enthusiastic community who organized the first events, thinking sessions and explorative projects that brought Ouishare to life. I also did graphic design and wrote articles on blogs and journals such as Trust is the New Currency published by The Netherlands Institute for Design. Ouishare has grown into  an international network with 80 connectors and hundreds of members in 20 countries throughout Europe, Latin and North America, and the Middle-East.



Logo design for a T-shirt brand in Yangon.


Room for Tea - service Prototyping and Testing

Room for Tea is a home-sharing social entreprise. It tackles the problem of elderly isolation by pairing up older adults with young interns. Through home sharing, the users are able to build strong relationships and benefit each other. I worked with the design team to test the service and support its design.